jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

I kissed a cockroach

I woke up this morning

and It was there with me

I wasn´t afraid, not at all

It was so funny and dark

that I couldn't resist

I kissed a cockroach!

My mommy saw me

 she was so upset

she yelled at me, mad

and then I could smell

the liquor coming

from her mouth

she made me get up

and called me insane

“your father will know

as soon as he walks out of jail”

my brother started laughing

and then took his gun

he shoot to the cockroach

It could escape alive

he yelled:

“ but you kissed a cockroach

my sister is pregnant

she's twelve years old

sometimes she stays

weeping at the door

she stared at me, disgusted

“but you kissed a cockroach

my uncle is awesome

he sells white magic dust

but this morning he beat me

very, very hard, saying

-But you kissed a cockroach -

I do my homework, cook

and clean, I said to the doctor,

It's just that I couldn't resist

It was so funny and dark

lovely and alive

I kissed a cockroach !

How could you do something so insane

like kissing a small, living soul?

that's what the doctors asked

then locked me in this room

I kissed a cockroach today !

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